According to reports, the student named Lavanya was taken to the Thanjavur Medical College Hospital after she was found in a distressed state but she did not respond to the treatment and died in the hospital. A video has come to the police’s attention in which was Lavanya is saying that she was scolded and was made to clean all the rooms in the hostel by the hostel warden.
She alleged that she was also constantly forced to take up Christianity. Lavanya was just 17-year-old.
Disturbed by the alleged abuse and coercion, she decided to drink pesticides and end her life. Her father, Muruganandam, was informed about it on January 10. Lavanya was first treated at a nearby clinic on January 9 but she continued to vomit and complained of stomach ache so she was admitted to the hospital. Her father transferred her to the Thanjavur Medical College Hospital on his arrival. Lavanya reportedly gained consciousness and told the doctors about her ordeal and her attempt to end her life.
That is when the doctors informed the Thirukattupalli police and they come to question Lavanya in the matter. According to reports, the police found out that the warden of the hostel was harassing Lavanya and was forcing her to convert to Christianity. Based on the complaint of the girl and her father, the police arrested the warden, Sakayamari (62).
The student, Lavanya, succumbed to death on January 19 as she did not respond to the treatment. Her death has caused turmoil in the Thirukattupalli area. The warden was also presented in court by the police and is now lodged in a sub-jail in Tiruchirappalli.
Source She The People