
Gawkadal Massacre | Three Decades of Unspeakable Tragedy

In February 2019, the police said they had closed the investigation into the 1990 Gaw Kadal killings case saying they found no clue to trace the accused persons. The police in their reply to the State Human Rights Commission had also said the records pertaining to the incident were lost in the 2014 floods.

Expert who Predicted Rwandan Genocide Says Modi Pushing India to Massacre of Muslims

Dr Stanton said he had warned the then-Rwandan president that “if you don’t do something to prevent genocide in your country, there is going to be genocide here within five years. That was in 1989. The genocide developed, the hate speech developed, all the early warning signs developed. And as we know, 800,000 Tutsis and other Rwandans were murdered in 1994”.

“We cannot let that happen in India.