Akhlad Khan


Republic Sovereignty Possessed By the Despotic Dogmas under PM Modi led BJP Government in India

A republic nation is defined as “a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.” India marks January 26 as its Republic Day every year. In 2022, the country is celebrating its 73rd Republic Day. 

However, after seven decades India gradually is on the verge of becoming an ethnocracy. Under the Narendra Modi led BJP government the country is normalizing the notion of Hindu Rashtra; indirect majoritarian governance. 

The Indian Judiciary Unwittingly Held-Dragging Women Out of Hijab Against Their Own Personal Decision-Constitutional?

Hijab or the veil is currently one of the most controversial issues in India. In Udupi’s Government PU College, 6 Muslim girls students have been denied entry into classrooms and made to sit outside because they were wearing headscarves (Hijab). The students had also complained that they were not allowed to communicate in Urdu, Arabic or the native Beary language. 

‘Hum Dekhenge’ (We Will Witness), But, ‘Hum Kab Tak Dekhenge (Till When We Will Witness)?’ – An Ever Lasting Cry of Muslims in India

The main question that arises is for how long Muslims in India has to see complete “othering” face discrimination, denied justice and witness Barbarity of Hindutva Terror? The role of the state since independence has been under question whenever it comes to protecting and safeguarding Muslims despite the constitutional provision. No matter who forms the government but state in India has continued to push Muslims to Ghettos and cripple the whole community socially and economically. 

Tripura Violence – Untold Testimonies

The Tripura High Court on Friday took suo moto cognisance of the violence that erupted in the state earlier this week and directed the government to submit a report on the matter by November 10