#Save_Farmers campaign started by AMU students


Being civilized, a formal group, which is formed by students of Aligarh Muslim University with the motive to form a rational, sensible and healthy society, finally is all set to launch its nationwide campaign #save_farmers.

As we know, farmers consist more than 50 percent of the total population of our country. For a country that is known for its lush green fields of crops and the term ‘agrarian country’ dwells in the very identity of its existence, it’s very ironical that its very ‘Annadevs’ are dying of starvation.

This initiative of Being Civilized basically aims at creating awareness and mass movement to divert the attention of people towards this ignored folk.

This initiative is mainly aimed to understand and analyze (scientifically, socially and economically) the root cause of their misery.

And for this very genuine cause we invite every individual to contribute their view on plight of farmers and the contributions will be published on our official web blog https://theindomitableyouth.wordpress.com which is media channel of Being Civilized and the post cards and paintings will be gifted to them!

Don’t hesitate in standing up for justice and showing a gesture of love to someone who has been feeding you ever since…..

We hereby ask your views (in approx 50 words), articles, letters, postcards, paintings, cartoons, videos, audio clips,  slogans and photographs relating their plight, condition, status and injustices done towards them.

Extend a hand at:

Email id- beingcivilizedindia@gmail.com

Facebook- www.facebook.com/beingcivilized

Blog address- https://theindomitableyouth.wordpress.com

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