ye sab karoge to aisà hi hoga: Delhi Police Cop (IPS level)





Today’s march saw a huge participation of students who had arrived in Delhi, responding to our national call. I congratulate everyone despite the police brutality. Today I saw male police directly hitting girls (and, of course, boys) on the head. This shocking behavior amounts to attempt to murder. Many of our comrades are deeply injured and some girls disturbed due to the sexualized violence. Policemen hitting womens’ private parts and other kinds of molestation is most shocking. To top it all, one IPS officer level cop said, “ye sab karoge to aisà hi hoga”)! We were lathicharged, water cannons and tear gas shells were fired at us, but they failed to break our resolve. I have pain, fever and bodyache due to hours of exposure to water and lathicharge. I salute all comrades who were part of the march once again. Right to Education long live.
Inquilab Zindabad.

Shehla Rashid Shora (JNUSU)

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