Anwarul Hoda

Anwarul Hoda is a filmmaking trainer who writes on politics and the economy. He works He is Managing Editor for the National India News and works with the Video Volunteers. | |


इंकलाब और मुहब्बत से लबरेज़ अहमद फ़राज़

मुहब्बतों का शायर समझे जाने वाले अहमद फ़राज़ की कई नज़्में उनके इंकलाबी तेवर को नुमाया करती हैं। आइए फ़राज़ की नज़्मों के इंकलाबी तासीर से रूबरू होते हैं।

Expert who Predicted Rwandan Genocide Says Modi Pushing India to Massacre of Muslims

Dr Stanton said he had warned the then-Rwandan president that “if you don’t do something to prevent genocide in your country, there is going to be genocide here within five years. That was in 1989. The genocide developed, the hate speech developed, all the early warning signs developed. And as we know, 800,000 Tutsis and other Rwandans were murdered in 1994”.

“We cannot let that happen in India.

Tilka Manjhi and the Forgotten Legacy of Resistance

History is always chronicled by the powerful as a result the history and the natives of the Tribal and marginalized people remain hidden and eventually forgotten. The history of one of the tallest freedom fighter Tilka Manjhi is one such chapter that has been neglected to narrate. The Manjhi Revolt against the British Empire is …

Tilka Manjhi and the Forgotten Legacy of Resistance Read More »

No Pakistani Flag Found yet Police Booked the Family for Sedition, Hindutva Mob Pelted Stones and Damages Property Belonging to Muslims

In the Chauri Chaura area of Gorakhpur, the Hindutva mob surrounded a Muslim house, pelted stones, and vandalized properties belonging to Muslim families. After Islamic flags hung from the rooftops of Muslim houses went made viral claiming as “Pakistani Flag”. Following, the violent mob surrounded the locality and raised Hindutva war cry slogans

Lynching to Custodial Deaths, UP Becoming Graveyard for Muslims | Justice for Altaf

On Tuesday night, Chand Mian, father of Altaf had demanded that police answer how Altaf had died. “Police told me they suspected my son in the case and wanted to question him. I handed my son to the police, who came to my house. When I went to the station, they turned me back. After 24 hours, police say my son hanged himself. It was the police that hanged my son”

“Dinesh Bharti will Come with a sword if Friday Namaz takes Place Anywhere in Gurugram,” said Proxy Hindutva Boy 

On 5th November, Hindu right-wing groups celebrated Goverdhan Puja at sector 12A of Gurugram where Namaz had been taking place every Friday. The celebration Puja was organised after the Gurugram administration on Tuesday, 2 November, withdrew permission for performing namaz at eight of the 37 designated sites, citing objection by locals.