Humayun Mursal Appeals to all Fellow Citizens to come Together to Build Muslim University in Maharashtra

Our Vision is to transform Muslim society into a “Modern Knowledge Society” by developing “Muslim Human Resource” compatible with 21-century advancements. This transformation requires the establishment of modern formal and informal research and development institutes and educational institutes of higher learning.

We wish to establish ‘Muslim University’ and ‘Centre for Renaissance’ for this cause. We believe sincerely that this endeavour will help to transform Muslim into a modern, learned, expert and creative human resource. This human resource will contribute to scientific and social research work, do entrepreneurial and pioneering work in the industry and economy also will make a creative contribution to the world of art. Our diligence will instil confidence and develop self-reliance in Muslim society.

Our movement for Renaissance will strive to inculcate scientific, rational, progressive thought and will strengthen belief in Straight Path (Sirat-al-Mustaqim) in the Muslim society. We commit to men-women equality and inclusive, secular, egalitarian, democratic society. We pledge to end communal politics of hate and violence. We believe in composite nationalism.

We wish to become an inseparable part of the political majority and cooperation with all sections of the society. Our faith in social equality and amity special Hindu-Muslim unity is unshaken. We will fight the menace of global warming strive to adopt clean energy, environment-friendly technology and regenerative development. We will devote to build world order based on mutual co-operation for human prosperity. We will take initiative for perpetual world peace and build public opinion to stop the war, arms race and nuclear proliferation.

A message from Humayun Mursal, Centre for Renaissance

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