Muslim Youth Succumbed to Injuries After Brutally Thrashed in Nawada District of Bihar

A 25-year-old Muslim youth, Mohammad Ajjan Imran, thrashed by a Hindu mob from village Gangti in Nawada district in Bihar, succumbed to injuries on Thursday 29th of September, leaving behind four children.

The assailants brutally beat the resident of Sudanpur village to death following they accused him of stealing a battery from a tractor. Sudanpur village is hardly two kilometers away from Gangti village.

He died on the morning of September 30 at a local community health centre.

Jamil Akhtar, the father of Imran told “that this is a malicious fabrication to save the accused as he was asked to come and collect the outstanding money.”

Akhtar said Ajjan’s lynching is Qayamat (Doomsday) for us. 

“He (Imran) had gone to ask for the borrowed money of wielding,” says Akthar. “They took my son to his house, accused him of battery theft, and beat him badly. They even hammered nails into his body while trying to mutilate him.”

“He was a hard-working man who helped us to run this small shop. He had no enmity with anyone but he used to speak bluntly. He was asked by Suresh to reach Gangti and take the outstanding amount. He went there in the evening but after midnight my nephew Jawed got a call from Sanjay Paswan, the private driver working for the police, who informed that Ajjan was injured and being taken to the hospital but he succumbed to his injuries in the morning,” Akhtar said. 

Akhtar who lost his son and the sole breadwinner of the family said that the men had also tied his son’s limbs while thrashing.

He also denied the accusation of theft and demanded strong action against culprits.

A local social activist Shamshad Ahmad ‘Samo’ claimed that this is the third such incident in recent times in the area. 

At least ten persons were arrested from in Nawada district till Thursday, said polic

Dy. S.P. Saha maintains that Ajjan was not in a position to give any statement. The police, however, have no unambiguous reply for the question that if Ajjan’s condition was that bad why was he not referred to the district hospital. What is known that two chowkidars were deputed there and the police did not care much for his injuries as ‘he was caught as a thief, reports TCN’

A local media also reported that Imran’s family told police that a man named Sandeep Kumar and his associates are behind the murder of 25-year-old youth.

Father’s complaint, accessed by Maktoob, names Suresh, Pradeep Kumar, and Sandeep Kumar — father and two sons — as the main accused of the incident.

The cop said that the body has been handed over to the family after post-mortem and the raids are going on to nab more suspected men in the group.

Circle Officer Narendra Kumar told a local journalist that Imran’s family was given 20 thousand rupees under the Chief Minister’s Family Benefit Programme.

Recently on 27th of June 2021, a case of mob lynching was reported in which 30 years old Ismail was lynched to death by Hindu mob at Araria district of Bihar. A case of mob lynching was also reported from, Phulwari Sharif, Patna in December 2020 in which 32 year Alamgir was tied to a pole and thrashed for hours, later he succumbed to death.

c. TCN LIVE, Maktoob Media

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